2019 Committee Members Sworn In
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At our February meeting, the Committee Members elected in January were sworn in. Many thanks to our outgoing officer: Trustee Roger Kraft served for nearly two decades and the committee depended on him for diligence, level head, and humor. Welcome to our three new members: Mark Wajer was elected to the office of Bar Obmann, a job that has been open for the last year. Sonja Bresset is our new Ticket Obmann, replacing Sharon Walker who had been fulfilling the role well on an interim basis. Heather Wajer was elected to the 3-year term of Trustee. Welcome to the three of you! The other officers remained the same. Fred Walker and Roger Kraft switched appointed roles of GACC Delegate and Alternate. Our Committee Members are:
- 1.Vorstand Erwin Rauschendorfer
- 2.Vorstand Fred Walker
- 3.Vorstand Rick Michel
- Secretary Rita Dziersk
- 2.Secretary Mike Campbell
- Treasurer Colleen Michels
- 2.Treasurer Sharon Walker
- Ticket Obmann Sonja Bresset
- Bar Obmann Mark Wajer
- Trustees Heather Wajer (3 year); Alex Lamerand (2 year); Annette Edelhauser (1 year)
- Sachenverwalter Chrissy Walker
- Historian & Pressewart Karin Dean Kraft
- GACC Delegate Roger Kraft; Alternate Fred Walker
Our dance officers stayed the same with the exception of the secretary. Thank you, Janet Seefried, for filling that role so well the last couple of years! Welcome to Megan Lepkowski as our new secretary.
- 1.Vorplattler Eric Walker
- 2.Vorplattler Alex Lamerand
- 1.Vortänzerin Chrissy Walker
- 2.Vortänzerin Anni Porter
- Secretary Megan Lepkowski
- Sachenschlepper Annette Edelhauser